About this Edition...
In Latin America and the Caribbean, the debate on the impacts of artificial intelligence on different fields –such as on human rights, public administration, the judiciary, sustainable development, and social welfare– still lacks its own distinctive features. The main discussions on the issue are based on developments and analyses in other contexts, generally from more developed countries, where most of the AI systems used in Latin America are developed.
GuIA was created to strengthen a space for researchers to address the ethics, principles, norms, and policies around artificial intelligence in Latin America and the Caribbean. The project seeks to provide its own perspective from the region on the impact of AI in different issue areas through empirical analysis resulting in evidence. This data is essential to understand the results of the progress made so far, as well as to inform public policies, regulations, and legislation.
Artificial Intelligence Governance in Latin America: amidst State Regulation, Privacy, and Digital Ethics
Castaño, D. (2020)
Artificial Intelligence & The Caribbean: A Discussion Paper on (Potential) Applications & Ethical Considerations
Brathwaite, C. (2020)
Bias and Inference in Neutral Networks and their relationship with the law
Amunátegui Perelló, C.; Madrid, R. (2020)
The impact of artificial intelligence tools: an analysis of the public sector in Colombia
Flórez Rojas, M.L. and Vargas Leal, J. (2020)
Data Economy and Artificial Intelligence in Latin America. Opportunities and Risks for a Responsuble Use.
Gómez Mont, C.; Del Pozo, C.; Martín del Campo, A. V. (2020)
ISSN 2684-0278
Artificial Intelligence In Latin America and the Caribbean. Ethics, Governance and Policies
Aguerre – Amunátegui – Brathwaite – Castañeda – Castaño – Del Pozo – Flórez Rojas – Gómez Mont – Lara Gálvez – López – Madrid – Martín del Campo – Vargas Leal (2020)
The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of CETyS, CLD or of any other organization involved in the project.
In July 2020, CETyS coordinated three webinars. These sessions were an opportunity for the authors of the publications to present their work and debate about AI ethics, governance, and policy in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The recordings are available below:
Moderator: Paula Vargas
Juan Carlos Lara:
“Perspectivas de derechos humanos en la implementación de marcos éticos para la inteligencia artificial“
Daniel Castaño:
“La gobernanza de la Inteligencia Artificial en América Latina: entre la regulación estatal, la privacidad y la ética digital“
Carlos Amunátegui:
“Sesgo e Inferencia en Redes Neuronales ante el Derecho“
Artificial Intelligence and Data
Moderator: Cristina Pombo
Carolina Aguerre:
“Estrategias Nacionales de IA y gobernanza de datos en la región“
Claudia May del Pozo:
“Economía de datos e IA en América Latina. Oportunidades y riesgos para un aprovechamiento responsable“
AI Ethics, Policy, and Applications in the Region
Moderator: Silvana Fumega
Chelcée Brathwaite:
“Artificial Intelligence & The Caribbean: A Discussion Paper on (Potential) Applications & Ethical Considerations“
Maria Lorena Flórez Rojas:
“El impacto de herramientas de inteligencia artificial: un análisis en el sector público en Colombia“
Juan Diego Castañeda:
“Automatización, tecnologías digitales y justicia social: la experimentación con la pobreza en Colombia“